AJP Excel Information AJP Excel Information

RE: How do I change the bar chart to scatter format?

By changing the data layout and using stacked columns instead of clustered you can get the target markers to align with each column.
With 3 data series plotted as a clustered column chart and 3 more plotted as line series the line markers are all plotted central to the column cluster.
You can not use the xy scatter chart instead of lines as the combination is not permitted.



By altering the layout of the data and changing the column chart to be stacked instead of clustered you can get the line marker to be aligned over each column.
Note the use of empty columns A and E in the data sheet.

You can further enhance the look by setting the Gap Width to zero.
The order of the legend can also be changed by reordering the information in the datasheet.



Created August 2004
Last updated 5th August 2014 

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